We provide different services, from print design to textile printing.

We are located in France and Belgium, in two workshops with complementary know-how. Our Parisian office develops collections of textile prints and our Brussels workshop hosts the different printing and ennobling techniques on fabric.

Our combined know-how allows us to design a printed textile from scratch : textile sourcing, design of prints and textile printing. However, we gladly respond to targeted orders.

  • We design textile prints

    We draw placed or all-over textile prints according to a creative brief. From hand to computer, we conduct a generous search of shapes, colors and compositions. Patterns are delivered in digital format after validation of the right scale, repeat and palette.

    In addition, we offer each season a collection of unique designs, available for consultation by appointment.

  • We print on fabric

    On a chosen fabric, we define the most appropriate technique for a specific effect. We offer different ennobling techniques: screen printing, block printing, hand painting, dyeing… We request suppliers from our network for other printing techniques (digital printing, sublimation).

    We are also able to source a fabric according to precise criteria (material, qualities, quantity). We value secondary sources whenever it is possible.


Super  Rosa