We run color & textile print design workshops.

Since 2019, we run workshops in Paris and Brussels, from elementary schools to graduate studies. We are particularly active in design and fashion schools, as well as in artistic preparatory trainings. However, we are always willing to meet different publics.

The goal of these workshops is to raise curiosity and awareness on colors and textile materials, and to share our knowledge on textile pattern design and fabric ennobling. Our workshops are custom-written following the training’s program.

Color studies

The participants sharpen their eye for colors and question the sensations and imaginaries that they convey from the abstract. They discover how to build an original color palette to support an artistic project.

Ennobling techniques

Our approach of textile ennobling in these workshops is elementary and playful : the goal is to understand the principle of a technique. We explore direct painting on fabric, natural dyes, block printing, elementary screen printing…

Graphic journeys

Drawing, painting, engraving… These workshops are laboratories in search of unusual plastic effects. Participants work on their sense of colors and composition and are introduced to key concepts of textile patterns design : rhythm, rapport, placement, scale…


Super  Rosa

